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35+ Years Providing Premium Service

Reobiz donec pulvinar magna id leoersi pellentesque impered dignis sim rhoncus euismod euismod eros vitae. Curabitur porta, sapien nec laoreet scelerisque, libero enim scelerisque dui, vitae ullamcorper elit elit vel arcu. Pellentesque mattis euismod vehicula. Quisque sceleri sque fermentum ultricies. Aenean nibh dolor, pretium consequat elit in, pellentesque venenatis nulla. Integer dapibus mauris.

Emma Olivia

LL.M in Corporate and Business Law, Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln’s Inn, UK)

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Domestic Violence

We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice


Coporate & Securities

We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice


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Insurance Law

We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice


Health Care Law

We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice


Ecommerce Law

We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice


We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice


Construction & Building

We always provide people a complete legal services for your cases focused on your real justice

Why Choose Us

We Are Awards Winning Company

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Client-Focused Solutions

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Diversity & Inclusion

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Women's Empowerment

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Recent Case Studies


Sohail is a great accountant and feels like he is a part of your company in your home country. Highly recommend him as his attention to detail is excellent, and very patient with clients. Perfect communication skills.

Justine Corrado

I have had an excellent experience working directly with Sohail, on two occasions. One of those was an extended and complicated project reconciling various accounting and financial transactions, including very specialized ones. He performed with intelligence, thoroughness and diligence. He was extremely responsive, flexible and eager to collaborate with my team. I highly recommend, and will gladly engage again. Thank you Sohail (& team)

Jacqueline (Jacqui) Holmes
PRINCIPAL INVESTOR: Private Eq / Debt / Tangible Asset Direct Deals; Hedge Funds; Public Securities. & Social Enterprise

Have been working with Sohail for over 7 years, he is very reliable and is a great support in creating financial models as per the requirements of our business. He is very quick at learning our needs and coming up with solutions that streamline our processes. Would highly recommend.

Vineet Kalra
Vineet Kalra - Managing Director at K&G Hospitality

I hired Hazique to write a business plan for prospecting investors. Hazique built a high level business plan with deep financials and thorough market research. He went above and beyond my expectations and continue to deliver a high level of after sales care. We continue to work closely regularly and multiple projects and I true my business financial matters in Hazqiue’s hands.

Shehbaz Afzal
CEO at Aiverley

Hazique provides my business with a bookkeeping service. He is professional, efficient and very competent. Nothing is too much trouble. I would highly recommend Hazique to anyone looking for bookkeeping services.

Rebecca T.
Director at Rebecca Taylor Aesthetics
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Claire Divas

Criminal Lawyer

Humas Gates

Health Lawyer

Francis Ibikunle

Bankruptcy Lawyer

Mike Jason

Senior Attorney
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